In Year 6 we are learning about Crime and Punishment. When the PCSO came to visit us, first of all, we had a brief talk about what they did in the neighbourhood. The officers were very easy to talk to and very good at listening, even if our answers were wrong. Their names were Ethan and Heidi. After the chat, they gave us a quick quiz to fill in, based on the talk we’d just had. Then we started our activities, which were extremely fun and educational in being a police officer. Some of us went to a finger printing table, where we learned how to print our fingerprints onto paper, while others went to a table where we tried on the uniforms that PCSOs usually wear. When we had tried both activities, it was time for the police to leave. I speak for the entire class when I say that we had a wonderful afternoon, and learned all we could ever know about being a PCSO.
By Eliza S - Year 6