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Short Breaks Budget Consultation

Short Break Budget Consultation
The Hampshire Short Break budget is currently under consultation with cuts proposed to essential services like playschemes and the buddy scheme- you can read the full details here. Originally, a rep from Hampshire County Council was due to come along to each of our Get Together’s to speak with parents about the proposed cuts. Due to Covid-19 this is not possible. However, now our Get Together’s are going to take place virtually, Hampshire County Council will still be speaking with parents but via zoom. We plan to run these sessions directly after the local Get Together Zoom session, we encourage you to participate in these sessions as your views are vital.  The session dates and details are as follows:

Hart and Rushmoor

During the session, there will be an opportunity to find out more about the proposals and a chance to ask questions.
The consultation is currently running until mid July. We understand that the current situation is very difficult, but would encourage you to complete the online consultation questionnaire as this will be what the decision makers look at. You can take part by clicking here.